Hello there
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I finally got time to post something here ;) As you may noticed, my wife is focused mostly on Kings of War related stuff. And even though I find this system quite nice, I'm basicaly a WH40k player, so it's time to write something related to this game.
The army I'm playing is a Space Marines chapter, Crimson Fists. I'm into this hobby for about a year now and in the beginning I was painting and playing my Primaris Mrines as Ultramarines. But as you probably know, poster boys aren't the most beloved chapter there. And there already are a few people at the club we are members of, Cztery Smoki, who own a Ultramarines army. So I started to think, what chapter should I play, which one of theam appeals me most, and which would be easy enough to simply repaint from Ultramarines colour scheme. And then in White Dwarf, GW released Crimson Fist rules - you can probably guess what happened later.
But fear not! Most of my minis are still unpainted ;) But the urge to play was too big.
![Brak dostÄpnego opisu zdjÄcia.](https://scontent.flcj1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/50274317_10211572430541020_7147160098366816256_o.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_eui2=AeH-KZgL1-L6KKHOWppbndVF-cd_6-KrBFEyRidBtkM0cjDa6Xp8EI5qRvSD6kItT8KWIaFSMAQ37SxtuwXMZzTqhusk61SjpWn5F_zSJcuyCg&_nc_ht=scontent.flcj1-1.fna&oh=fd4ba0f1b91f131e91a4d2cebbb6bfb0&oe=5D332902)
Lately at our club we started a narrative campaign based on Urban Conquest book. Campaign name is Secret of the Ghoul Stars. There are 20 players taking part in the campaign and we are divided into 5 groups of 4 player. Each month we fight a battle within the group, gather points, resources, territories and stuff like that. Supposedly it will lead us to some nice, climatic finale ;)
After each battle, we try to share, in the group, a battle report, written in a narrative manner, along with some photos. After my battles I'll try to share such battle report also on this blog. Hope you'll like it.
That would be all for now. I hop You'll enjoy my posts as much as You enjoy those written by Tamsula ;)
ReplyDeleteFor the Greater Good!
Ough sorry not in this thread. ;-)